Looking for a new hacker space in 2024

by vimja on 2024-01-24

The building at Kyburgstrasse 13 where our hacker space is located, has been sold. The new owners intend to renovate the building completely. For that reason, all tenants have to leave the building in summer 2024.

For the Chaostreff Bern that means that we have to leave our hacker space. We moved in in December 2018, more than 5 years ago. Over the years we have transformed these rooms and made them our own. To now have to leave them is hard on us.

Nonetheless, we have to leave. At our 2024 general meeting (de) we have formally decided that we still want to rent our own rooms and have formally kicked off the search process.

The parameters for the search remain similar to those of the last search in 2018. Those who wish to contribute with their time or suggestions are asked to make contact via the mailing list or one of the usual chat rooms.